Early-stage startup investment requires many documents, including cap tables and financial models, as well as investor agreements. A virtual investor data room provides an easy method of sharing all of the information with interested investors without divulging important business secrets or sending files through multiple email threads.

A data room for investors could aid in the efficiency of due diligence. This reduces time and money for all parties involved. The automated structure of documents, search capabilities, and management of digital rights will ensure that sensitive information does not end in the hands the wrong individuals.

The appropriate software for the investor data room can be a big difference when pitching VCs, as well. For example Carta Launch’s data room features include an integrated investor communications channel with private and group messaging and task assignment capabilities including annotation and comments. This lets startups present documents in the most attractive possible light and help investors make informed decisions.

Some people argue that an investor dataroom isn’t essential for angel or seed investments, however it is important to give potential investors full access to all of your company’s documents. This will let them know that you take your venture seriously and aren’t afraid of putting up documents. Investors will appreciate having the chance to look over all of the required documentation before they make a decision to invest in your round. A simpler investment process will benefit both parties since it decreases the possibility of an investment falling through, or that terms are altered in your favor.