A virtual dataroom is a safe location to share documents and documents in business transactions. They can be accessed by a variety of parties, and allow users to see and leave comments on specific sections of the document. They can also include an audit trail that tracks which users accessed the document and at what time. This allows businesses to make informed choices when it comes time to complete business transactions.

Online data rooms are utilized by companies to conduct due diligence and make acquisitions. This process involves a great deal of information being shared between various businesses and requires secure storage for confidential documents. Online data rooms can also be useful for fundraising, initial publicly-traded offerings (IPOs) as well as legal proceedings.

Virtual datarooms can provide various features like the ability to integrate other systems, single-sign-on, and search features. They can be customized to meet the specific requirements of industry and are available for various file types. They can be configured for both full access and view-only with granular permissions. Some have watermarking capabilities, click trails and reporting.

DFIN’s Venue is one of the most popular online data rooms. It provides a user-friendly interface and advanced artificial intelligence features that improve the efficiency and accuracy. It streamlines contract review and automates repetitive tasks, while improving productivity and efficiency by utilizing full-text search and auto-redaction. Its logical folders mimic the physical structure and are easy to navigate.